Air Tray Technologies by Blackmore Company provides the growing tool Air Tray, Air Tray® Technologies®® and automation to the horticulture & agriculture markets worldwide. Blackmore is also the North American provider of the complete line of Ellepot automation and trays.
The unique design of the Air Tray promotes the air-pruning of the roots, eliminating root spiraling in the greenhouse and field.
Ellepot is the Sustainable paper pot that helps the grower reduce grow-time, product loss, carbon footprint, labor cost, plastic and increase quality.
For years, growers have been growing in plastic pots and have continuously automated their problems with plastic pots. Blackmore is putting a stop to automating your problems with the Root Zone Sleeve.
We have teamed up with the world leading packaging company Shur for simple sleeve system Root Zone for retail. It is available up to 8 colors and can be printed on demand.
Using Air Tray Technologies will allow you to grow your plant with 1/2 soil & labor and twice the root mass you would see in plastic pot. Give the power to the roots and you will give the homeowner better success in their garden.
The Root Zone...... Plant it Friendly® will not only help you reduce your costs, it will give an opportunity to sell a professional and sleek product. The Root Zone Sleeve shows your customers that you care about the planet by reducing plastic at retail by 95%.
Welcome to the future Planet Friendly® plants!
We have a full line of Seeders, Tray & Pot Fillers, Top Coaters, WaterAlls, Transplanters and Rack Growing Systems for plant production.
Plan your visit to the trade fair!