Fenyö utca 4.
HU 8130 Enying
Mr. Elemér Barabits

Company profile

The Alsótekeresi Faiskola Kft. is located 100 kilometers southwest of Budapest, directly by Lake Balaton.Our nursery proudly holds the title of being the oldest Hungarian tree nursery, with a remarkable 102-year history. Managing on 360 hectares, the nursery dedicates 140 hectares to the production of nursery products. While engaging in a wide range of ornamental horticulture, our primary focus lies on repeatedly transplanted high-stem trees and alle trees.

The nursery has an unique ecological environment. The limited rainfall during the growing season, the hot summers, the intense UV radiation, the chalky, high-Ph soils, the dry, cold winters and the sudden changes in the weather test our trees.
For these reasons, we have been purposefully involved in selecting superior varieties and clones characterized by favorable forms and shapes. These selections are better equipped to endure heat and water shortages, showcasing enhanced resilience to climate change and adaptability to urban conditions.

The results of our breeding efforts are showcased in our variety offerings.
