Profilgatan 15
SE 26135 Landskrona
Ms. Annelies Michels
  • +46 7053050962
  • +46418449922
  • E-mail

Product groups

Product range

Semi and fully automatic FiberCell filling machines

Semi and fully automatic FiberCell filling machines

FiberCell’s Filling machines are in the forefront of development. Our machines are durable and of the highest quality standards. FiberCell supply reliability, good functionality, and minimal downtime, which offers our customers high efficiency in their operations.

Suitable for crops such as Lettuce, Herbs, Soft fruit, Hard fruit, Pot plants, Flower seeds, Vegetables

Product range

FiberCell Paper

FiberCell Paper

Grow the ideal rootplug with a large biomass.

Using FiberCell paper gives you the opportunity to grow the ideal rootplug with a large biomass. We supply a range of paper, such as BioBased, ECO and Prime which degrades naturally over time.

Suitable for Forestry, Flowers, Herbs (like basil and parsley) & Leafy Greens

Product range

FiberCell Holders

FiberCell Holders

Give seedlings or cuttings the best possible start

The design is optimized to help create strong and healthy plants with a vital root system. The interaction of FiberCell material and holder is crucial for the successful propagation of a top quality rootplug. The surface makes it easy to clean the product. Key design features: – development of a dense root biomass, – maximum lateral roots, – effective air-pruning of roots and – adequate drainage from the cell.

Suitable for crops such as Lettuce, Herbs, Pot plants, Plant breeding, Trees and shrubs, Flower seeds, Fruit and vegetable crops, Hard and soft fruits

Company profile

BCC is your ultimate and complete partner for paper based growing systems. We develop, produce, deliver, install and service customized complete solutions or standardized machines for growing all type of crops in the FiberCell system worldwide.

FiberCell Filling Machines
FiberCell’s Filling machines are in the forefront of development. Our machines are durable and of the highest quality standards. FiberCell supply reliability, good functionality, and minimal downtime, which offers our customers high efficiency in their operations.

Fibercell Paper
Using FiberCell paper gives you the opportunity to grow the ideal rootplug with a large biomass. We supply a range of paper which degrades naturally over time.

FiberCell Holders
All FiberCell Holders are designed to give your seedlings or cuttings the best possible start in life with a well-developed root system.
