96, 3 sandan 3 gil, Buk-myeon .
KR 56137 Jeong eup-City, Jeon-Buk
Mr. Jeff Lim
  • +82 1046435767
  • +821046435767
  • E-mail
Product range

Seedling Tray and Flower Pots

Seedling Tray and Flower Pots

We manufactured Seedling Tray( Plug Tray), Paperpot Tray and Flower pots in Korea and we are biggest Manufcature in asian Area.

If you want it then will providewith you for OEM products as well.

If you interested our products then will visit to our booth loacated Hall 3, 3C78. Bumnong Co.,Lrd




Company profile

The company Bumnong Co.,Ltd  established May. 1995 and now days bigget manufacture for seedling tray and Flower pot in Asian area.

We supplied market in the world for good quality of the products with strong competitive price in the past 21 Years.

And we are manufactured  special Trays called Silver (Coated Silver nano) and Fibroot( Coated Copper chemical) and Pot carrier too.

Also we are the manufacture for Ellepot( Paper pot) tray in aisan Area since Jan. 2014.

When you visit our booth Hall 3. 3C78(www.bumnong.com) then you can see the good quality of the products with many different kind of products too.

