Osterfelddamm 80
DE 30627 Hannover
Ms. Nora-Sophie Quett

Company profile

The Federal Plant Variety Office (Bundessortenamt – BSA) will present its work at the IPM together with Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and other national Offices from Holland, France, and Poland. We will provide information about granting plant breeders´ right (PBR) at national and European wide level.

The BSA has its headquarters in Hanover and is, by order of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft – BMEL), an independent federal authority and is responsible for National Listing and for granting of national Plant Breeders´ Rights.

The Plant Breeders´ Right is an exclusive right which protects the intellectual property of new varieties. It further promotes breeding progress of newer and more innovative plant varieties.

National Listing ensures that only the highest quality of seed and plant material is available for consumers.  

Duties of the BSA

·         granting national Plant Breeders´ Rights for new plant varieties

·         national listing of plant varieties for marketing seed and plants, i.e. admission and registration in the National Variety List

·         monitoring the maintenance of protected and listed varieties

·         publication of the Descriptive Variety Lists

·         DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability)-testing on behalf of the CPVO

·         Assistance in national and international plant and seed legislations inclusive support of other countries in the development of seed and plant systems and national and international collaboration with different organizations

·         Publication of the “Blatt für Sortenwesen”, the official gazette of the BSA

·         Co-ordination of seed certification issues and seed marketing control authorities of the federal states and foreign countries
