Carretera Vella de Vic .
ES 17403 Sant Hilari Sacalm Girona
Ms. Núria Saiz
  • 0034972869922
  • 0034627590130
  • E-mail

Company profile

At Can Jover Cultius we are nurserymen by vocation.
We are located in Sant Hilari Sacalm, (Girona), more precisely in the region of La Selva, in the Montseny-Guilleries area, which is 1000 metres above sea level, which means that it has the favourable climatic and humidity conditions to be an important area for the production of ornamental plants, in addition to having a long tradition in forestry agriculture. The main objective of Can Jover Cultius is to grow a product of the highest quality, which we achieve thanks to enthusiasm, perseverance and excellent teamwork.
