Koburger 10
DE 04277 Leipzig
Mr. Kay Plat
Products and innovations

GreenFarm OS

GreenFarm OS

Your Co-Pilot in Vertical Farming: GreenFarm OS meets the needs of vertical farmers, researchers, and institutions.

The software streamlines operations with real-time monitoring and control, enhancing efficiency and productivity. It can seamlessly integrate with your existing hardware.

Product range



Automated data mining for Plant Research. The GreenResearcher allows plant scientists and breeders to be in complete control over their growth recipes. You set the conditions for your trial, and achieve reproducible results with advanced CEA technology.

Company profile

greenhub offers indoor farming solutions for:
-Hardware: for controlled plant growth environments (CEA)
-Software and Datamanagement:for easy control of crop production systems and for analysing and evaluating data
-Consultancy and support: for projects in the field of controlled agriculture (CEA)
