Veldhauser Str. 197
DE 48527 Nordhorn
Ms. Silke Busch
  • +49 59217135913
  • +49 1705402773
  • E-mail
Products and innovations

New organic FlecoGro range and the soil activator Gronamic 6-2-4

New organic FlecoGro range and the soil activator Gronamic 6-2-4

FlecoGro® comprises two new, granulated organic NPK fertilizers for horticulture, landscaping and fruit and vegetable production.

FlecoGro® Plus also contains a complete trace package based on Micromax Premium. Selected and origin-tested raw materials of agricultural and animal origin are used in the production process. Both FlecoGro® formulations are listed in the FiBL list for organic production in Germany. They impress with their long-term effect and low-dust granulation for easy handling.

Gronamic soil activator 6-2-4
The dust-free minigranulated Gronamic 6-2-4 combines fertilizer and soil activation. In addition to nutrients from polyhalite, it supplies recycled phosphorus from struvite granules and the proven plant-strengthening seaweed extract SMX based on the algae Ascophyllum nodosum.

Gronamic 6-2-4 is available in 20 kilogram bags. It is recommended for use on golf greens, tees, fairways, sports fields and in landscaping or as an organic-mineral all-round fertilizer for beds, trees and shrubs. The recommended application rate for lawns is 30-50 g/m².

Company profile

ICL Growing Solutions - Impact for a sustainable future.

ICL Growing Solutions' ornamental horticulture range leads the way in innovative technology that results in advanced solutions and the highest quality fertilizers.
Our portfolio exists of powerful coated and water soluble fertilizers including leading brands OsmocotePeters and Universol. Osmocote controlled release fertilizers are recognised by professional growers as the fertilizer product that delivers optimum results. 

ICL's solutions for ornamental horticulture share one thing in common: they provide precisely what plants need to flourish and be profitable. Our team of dedicated technical experts ensure your fertilization plan is tailored to match your production system and your crop's nutritional needs.
