Reijerskoop 321
Mr. Sander van Beurden
  • +31 172462345
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Products and innovations

A beautiful project at Paleis Het Loo

A beautiful project at Paleis Het Loo

 A beautiful project with planting Ilex crenata Dark Green® shrubs.

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Ilex crenata Dark Green®

The Ilex crenata Dark Green® is available in many sizes and shapes!

Company profile

Get to know the unique brand i-LEXIT!, the healthy and 100% sustainable alternative. Whether or not you have green fingers, i-LEXIT! is an added value for your garden and balcony. i-LEXIT! contains a range of plants, including the Ilex Dark Green®, that are hardly or not affected by diseases and/or pests.

It is also a beautiful addition and refreshment for your garden or balcony. An i-LEXIT! looks like a boxwood, but is not affected by the boxwood caterpillar. This means that this green hedge or ball in your garden will remain nice and green in the long term!
