Papuççular Mah. Değirmen Han Sokak Abdülkadir Güler İş Merkezi No:19/1
TR 54100 Adapazarı / Sakarya
Mr. Hüseyin Remzi Adıyaman
Products and innovations

PSB Anatolia 2025 International Landscape, Ornamental Plants, Garden Arts and Equipment Fair

After the Sakarya Landscape and Ornamental Plant Festival, which was held three times between 2018 and 2020, in 2021, PSB Anatolia Landscape Ornamental Plants and Garden Equipment was organized for the first time as a 'National Specialized Fair' with its content.

PSB Anatolia brings together new trade opportunities in the field of landscape and ornamental plants at both national and "international" levels. The B2B meeting rooms, VIP meeting rooms at the fairground provide opportunities for productive discussions for new business opportunities. Additionally, PSB Anatolia aims to bring together participants specializing not only in plant species but also in landscape equipment and machinery, offering a wide range of products. Continuing to be an ideal point for following new products and trends by bringing together the dynamics of the sector, PSB Anatolia maintains its feature.

To bring together all elements of the industry, PSB Anatolia Fair organized the Design and Application Competition with the participation of landscape architecture students. This competition holds the distinction of being the first design competition organized for 'ornamental plant fairs' in Turkey. Aimed at providing future landscape architects with professional experience, the competition is carried out with broader participation and a much more comprehensive content in collaboration with universities and the Chamber of Landscape Architects of TMMOB.

Company profile

Founded by Hüseyin Remzi ADIYAMAN in 2000, Rem Agency continued to work as an advertising and organization company that mainly focused on advertising marketing. While conducting activities such as concert organizations, cultural events, festivals, design services, radio and cinema advertisements; PLANT Landscape and Ornamental Planting Magazine was brought to the sector and its publishing life in 2010 under the roof of Rem Agency and it still continues its studies actively. It continues to make great contributions to the landscape and ornamental plants sector with the Plant Awards, the most prestigious award in the sector.

Rem Agency, which has made a name for itself with its advertising and organization works for more than 20 years, has organized the Landscape and Ornamental Planting Festival since 2018. Every year, we set new targets in order to serve even better and we proudly climb the success ladder after our completed projects.

By focusing on sectoral fairs, we always strive to provide the best service to our exhibitors and visitors and provide all the necessary support for your satisfaction from the very beginning to the end. As of 2020, as KARMA FUARCILIK LTD STI, we continue to sign successful organizations by expanding our range of events.

Our market share in Turkey and we keep our customers a high rate while increasing our customer satisfaction. We have set the mission to realize the organizations that develop and direct the sector. In addition, as the only fair company in our city, we are with you as Karma Fair Organization.
