Apeldoornseweg 212
NL 6731 SC Otterlo
Ms. Ioana Cozma
  • +31 623250116
  • +31 623250116
  • E-mail

Company profile

Laxsjon Plants is named after the Laxsjön lake in Sweden, where the first ideas for this company were born. Laxsjon Plants is a company with many years of experience from the past,  within the plant sector. Our mission is to supply great quality goods to the horticulture industry,  specially to nurseries and tree growers. We guarantee high quality and excellent service throughout the entire process. Both during high and low season you can count on us to deliver on time. Laxsjon Plants is certificied PlanetProof and we supply all plants with plant passports.

Although the Netherlands is our home base we also deliver throughout Europe. Because of years of experience we have become specialised in exporting to Ireland, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Belgium, France and Germany.

Laxsjon Plants has two branches in separate locations. Our head office is based in Otterlo and our logistics department is based in Zundert. We also have a logistic collection-address in Boskoop.

Laxsjon Plants was founded by Henk Huijsman and Loek Jochems. Both have substantial knowledge and experience in the plants sector. In the last 33 years Henk has focussed on the  export of plants, customer service and quality control of the plant-production. Loek has held several management positions and has been responsible for the implementation of computerised systems within the green sector. As of August 2017 Henk and Loek are the CEO’s of Laxsjon Plants. Together with the office staff and the warehouse staff, they represent a strong and professional team that garantuees high quality in both their products and their service.
