Zwethlaan 18
NL 2675 LB Honselersdijle
Mr. Jamie Duijvesteijn

Company profile

MDK Flowers & Greens is a nursery specialising in growing large, green houseplants. The houseplants grow in lava rock granules and are contained in a special hydropot with a water indicator and water reservoir. The water indicator immediately shows when your plant needs water and the built-in water reservoir means you don't have to water as often. So people with and without green thumbs can enjoy the greenery in their home.

Besides that the hydropot is being made of recycled material, the lava rock granules are also a responsible choice. The Lava rock granules are 100% a natural product and provide the right water and oxygen ratio for the roots. Plants on volcanic pebbles also help create a healthier living environment. Compared to peat in potting soil, volcanic grains reduce CO2 by as much as 92%!

Beautanic Lifestyle plants are cultivated in Ghana, a stable country with a climate that is ideal for indoor plants. Together with 170 employees, we ensure that the plants are grown and tended with the greatest of care. Corporate social responsibility and the wellbeing of our employees are our top priorities. That’s why we provide hot meals and pay medical expenses. We also provide staff with the opportunity to take courses in order to develop themselves and build a stable future. In this way, we hope to contribute to their welfare and to the Ghanaian economy with our company.
