Via per Monguzzo 46D
IT 22040 Anzano del Parco
Ms. Eva Forlani
  • +39 0313351599
  • +393494052291
  • E-mail

Product groups

Company profile

NIPPON TREE is since 1996 a specialized nursery supplying wholesalers with Garden-bonsais (niwaki) for the Japanese or modern garden, with a 20.000m² surface of potted plants and a 60.000m² surface of free land plants: Taxus cuspidata, Pinus parviflora, Ilex Crenata, Juniperus, Camellia sasanqua, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Azalea satzuki, Enkianthus perulatus, Podocarpus.                                                                                                                                                                                     About 3.000 Garden-bonsais are available every year in our nursery, unique centenarian specimen as well as commercial plants, in different shapes and measures: fine selected and imported directly from Japan (carefully acclimatized for some months and sold only after their taking roots) or from our own production in free land, shaped following japanese traditional technique.

online catalogue

UNICA SPECIMEN is our fine selection of large size and special shaped plants, unique specimens from Italy and Europe. Selected from long-term professional nurseries and then growed in pot or airpot in our nursery in the north of Italy, to offer you a well-rooted and acclimatised unique plant for your garden project.

online catalgoue
