PTDA. Derramador 357
ES 03293 Elche, Alicante
Ms. Isabel Anton
  • +34 646964747
  • +34965077141
  • E-mail

Product groups

Product range

Olive trees

Olive trees

It is a variety with more than 34 species accepted. Our specialty is Olea Europaea, native to the Mediterranean regions and highly valued both for its fruits and its ornamental value. In Plantas Mediterráneas we have a wide catalog of olive trees with different sizes and characteristics. A world of Oleas at your disposal …

-Olea europaea bonsai

-Olea europaea bowl

-Olea europaea platos

-Olea europea CH

-Olea europaea mini ball

-Olea europaea centenay

-Olea europaea young trunk

-Olea europea pyramidal

Product range

Palms trees

Palms trees

Our star product. Palms trees are widely distributed in warm regions. In our facilities we have a multitude of variants so that you always find what you are looking for. Whether in container or root ball, we can offer you the best option on the market. Discover our “private oasis” …

-Phoenix canariensis

-Phoenix dactylifera

-Phoenix roebellini

-Washingtonia robusta

-Bismarkia nobilis

-Brahea armata

-Butia capitata

-Chamerops cerifera

-Chamaerops humillis

-Jubea chilensis


-Sabal palmeto

-Arecastrum romanzoffianum

-Cyca revoluta


Product range

Citrus trees

Citrus trees

Citrus trees are an excellent choice for outdoor decoration. Within our production we have different varieties and sizes to adapt to all types of customers whether nurseries, Gardens Centers, landscapers or private customers.

-Citrus lemon

-Citrus sinensis

-Citrus reticulata

-Citrus paradisi

-Citrus fortunella

-Citrus caviar

-Citrus aurantium

Product range

Mediterranean shrubs and plants

Mediterranean shrubs and plants

In addition to our assortment of citrus, olive and palm trees, in Plantas Mediterránea we have a multitude of plants and trees native to the Mediterranean climate. Meet our varieties and you’ll want to stay with all …

-Arbutus unedo


-Ceratonia siliqua

-Cordyline indivisa

-Feijoa sellowiana

-Ficus carica

-Ficus nitida

-Laurus nobilis

-Ligustrum japonicum

-Morus alba

-Myrtus tarentina

-Nerium oleander

-Phornium variegata

-Pistacia Lentiscus

-Pittosporum tobira

-Punica granatum

-Strelitzia reginae

-Vitis vinifera

Product range

Agave, yucca and others

Agave, yucca and others

Despite the fact that they are in our environment, they are considered one of the great strangers within the plant world. In our catalog you will find many types of cactus, agave and yucca ideal to decorate any type of space. 

-Agave chihuahua

-Agave ferox

-Agave horrida

-Agave montana

-Agave ovatifolia

-Agave parrisana

-Agave stricta

-Dasylirion longissimum

-Dasylirion wheeleri

-Dasylirion serratifolium

-Yucca rigida

-Yucca rostrata

-Yucca jewel

-Yucca elephantipe

Company profile

Our company Plantas Mediterráneas, based in Elche (Spain), produces and sells plants. We have been specialized in the production of plants for the last 25 years. Our production includes citrus trees, olive trees, cactus, shrubs, green plants and of course, palm trees.

In Plantas Mediterraneas we know that we work with a live product that needs the best care so that our client receives it in exceptional conditions. Our experienced team has a wealth of horticultural knowledge which is applied in all processes to obtain always the best result.

Likewise, our production strictly follows the procedures of fumigation, irrigation and pruning adapted to each type of plant. In this way, we can guarantee our customers that our products have the health and the quality they expect.

In Plantas Mediterraneas our production is our best representative; therefore we use all our resources to achieve the excellence.
