Flanders' presence at the IPM-fair will focus on typical Flemish products such as azaleas, rhododendrons, flowering houseplants, Flemish laurel and chrysanthemums as well as shrubs, young plants, bedding plants and nursery products.
The Belgians also have three new products on show:
- Hortibreed NV - Hortinno, Hall 2, Stand B 25 presents Hortinno 'Bloom'Z Bouquet' | www.hortinno.com
- Microflor, Hall 2, Stand B 25 expands its range with Helleborus x Ericsmithii 'ViV ® Olivia' | https://vivhelleborus.com
- Rudy Raes Bloemzaden NV, Hall 2, Stand B 25 presents Primula acaulis 'Chinese New Year F1' | www.raes.bewww.raes.be