IPM Infocenter Gartenbau_Header

Discover the educational show at the Horticulture Infocenter.

Agriculture and horticulture in Germany are facing major challenges, which also affect plant protection. If many well-known and proven chemical-synthetic plant protection products are discontinued, what options are there for protecting ornamental plants from pests and producing healthy, high-quality plants? And what should we look for in the plant protection of the future?

The plant protection services of the North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony Chambers of Agriculture, as well as a number of other experimental and research institutes, will be demonstrating a variety of approaches as part of the educational show.

Main topics include:

- Diagnosis of plant damage: pests and diseases

- Monitoring and stock control

- Use of beneficial insects in horticulture

- Control of liverworts

- Possible applications of biostimulants

- Invasive pests and much more.
