Our mission: Allowing you to buy worry-free, that’s why we do it! Van der Plas has been at the forefront of the world of flowers and plants for 50 years. Discover the convenience of worry-free ordering!
Number 1: Van der Plas is Europe’s number one purchasing platform for florists. We stand for innovation and the latest technologies.
Product range: Unique flowers and plants from all over the world and the finest decorative items. Order sizes to suit your needs.
Personal: As a family-run business, we know how important relationships and personal contact are. This is why each florist gets their own contact person who advises and supports them.
Our sustainable mission: Are you looking for a flower and plant exporter that pays attention to the environment? Then Van der Plas is the right place for you. After all, worry-free buying also includes the environmental footprint of the flowers and plants. We make sure the whole process is as fair as possible. From field to vase. For both the environment and people. We are committed to a fair and sustainable chain.
Plan your visit to the trade fair!